23 Nov

The Most Important Thing You Can Do to Secure Funding For Your New Venture

The biggest hurdle most founders and entrepreneurs face is securing the first round of financing. It doesn’t matter if you are going the venture capital route or seeking private angel investors, getting the first person to trust you enough to open their wallet is tough.

The web is filled with tips for startups trying to get funding. But, almost all of the business articles and listicles overlook one key issue. They never mention how critical your website is to your chances of getting funded. They don’t even mention that if the fundamentals of your website are not sound, not only will you have a tough time getting funded, but your business is probable doomed.   read more

18 Nov

The One Thing Private Investors Get Wrong During Their Due Diligence

Short of pure luck, market forces ensure that uninformed investors don’t last long. However, the market also punishes intelligent and savvy investors that make certain mistakes. Many private investors are taking big hits to their ROI because of one critical mistake during the due diligence phase of an investment relationship.

You may fully investigate the financials of a target company. You can fully vet the management team. You can even examine the marketing plan. You carefully study hundreds of details, but often you fail to properly study the website of the target company—and this mistake often ends up costing investors hundreds of millions of dollars each year.   read more

24 Oct

Why Companies Regret Falling for the “Local is Better” Myth

Nobody likes wasting money. But, month after month, strong, professionally managed companies end up wasting huge amounts of their marketing budgets by falling for a myth.

All of their stories start out the same way. They all needed a new website. They all went with the local company over the award-winning web developer from another state.

But, after weeks and months of frustration they end up either stuck with a website they hate or they have to fire the developer and start over again with a more professional organization.

Why does this keep happening? read more

02 Sep

The Level of Your Website Investment Determines Your ROI

We’ve seen far too often how medium to large-sized companies continue to significantly underestimate the value of a well designed and built website…and it’s directly affecting their bottom line. 

They play the high-stakes gamble and lose every single time. Their hopes are trying to find the cheapest designer and developer who says they can get the job done fast and within their budget. Unfortunately, the result is always disastrous costing them more than they ever imagined. 

Don’t risk your company’s reputation by choosing the wrong website company!

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26 Aug

How to Create a Website RFP That Sets You Up for Success

Have you been given the task of creating the RFP (request for proposal) for your company’s website? Congratulations! That is quite the undertaking. However, you have probably realized by this point that this is not as easy as it sounds.

Maybe you have the basic ideas in place, and you know what your end goal is, but all the details that go into creating a website are still all hazy and unclear.

It’s okay! We’re here to help you create a great RFP! read more

05 Aug

How to Pick the Best Proposal for Your Company’s New Website

Have you been selected to comprise a request for proposal (RFP) and search online to find the perfect vendor to create your company’s new website?

This can be a long and tedious process if you’ve never done this before. You might even find yourself trapped and unable to differentiate the bad companies from the good ones.

If this is you, let us help guide you in the right direction! read more

27 Jul

The Number One Way to Protect Your Investment and Get the ROI You Deserve When Investing in an Online Based Company

So you’ve found a company that finally meets your investment criteria. They have a stellar business concept, a solid business plan, sound financial projections, the right people on their team, and an aggressive marketing plan to grab sizable marketshare. Congrats! Full Steam Ahead!

Before you invest, however, there is one essential factor not to be overlooked in your potential investment endeavor. This one thing, could be the difference between getting the ROI you deserve, or simply wondering how it all went wrong. read more